• Family Notes

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College Corner

11th Grade (JSEM) Upcoming Events and Reminders: Family Notes English

  • Last YAM Session 2/1
  • Beginning Junior Advising Touchpoints: (1/29 - 3/1)
  • SAT Prep for March 20 Digital SAT
  • College Match/Post Secondary Application Types: Week of January 29th
  • February 15th, 2024, 11th Grade: Family College Night (Mandatory Meeting): 5:45pm to 7pm – The College Initiatives Team would love for you to be aware what JSEM has in place for all of our juniors this year and the importance of their SAT, College Portfolio, Letters of Recommendations, and overview of assigned/match Spring Trips.
  • March 20th: District Mandated Official SAT Test Date (100% of 11th grade students – Wednesday (during school day and hours) – YES Prep Northwest Campus) – Registration TBD - happening      as needed in Junior Seminar class!
    • Students are testing at YPNW campus during school hours
    • Students must be later no later than 7:50am
    • CI Team and 11th Grade Team will be assisting with planning, logistics and proctoring.
    • The test will be administered completely online at school.

10th Grade (PBR) Upcoming Events and Reminders:

  • Last YAM Session 2/1
  • Khan Academy: Heart of Algebra focus: Week of February 5th
  • Business Pitch Proposal: Phase 2 (Marketing Analysis/Product & Services) Week of 02/05 -Teachers that are able and willing to drop by to observe the presentations are welcome (during Week of 2/26)
  • LinkedIn Account Creation/Intro to Coursera (skill development): Week of the 02/05
  • February 22nd, 2024, 10th Grade: Family College Night (Mandatory Meeting): 5:45pm to 7pm – The College Initiatives Team would love for you to be aware what PBR has in place for all of our sophomores this year as well as the importance of GPA.
Campus Culture

Hello 8th-11th Grade HAWKS Families,

Last week we sent communications via our school messenger platform about an upcoming opportunity for your 8th-11th grade students. We are excited to report a successful first week with our community partner [YAM]. Students were able to have focused and relevant conversations about Mental Health and methods to maintain mental well-being.

The UTHealth Houston Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) program is an evidence-based program delivered by certified facilitators to students in the classroom setting. YAM encourages discussion of mental health topics and suicide prevention in order to help youth develop coping skills and resiliency.

YAM will continue to push into  the following classes: 8th Grade-Health , 9th Grade - Interpersonal Studies, 10G Project Based Research, and 11G Junior Seminar on each of the dates below every Wednesday and Thursday (students will meet with YAM during one class period each week)

The dates are as follows:

Wednesday, 1/24

Thursday, 1/25

Wednesday, 1/31

Thursday, 2/1

We are very excited to partner with YAM at our school as they are a program that has been in high demand this school year due to the realities Youth face with mental wellness. Their presence will continue to aid in sparking the conversation of mental health (and how to receive support) for our students. Having the support of family and friends can make a huge impact on mental well-being. Be sure to check-in with your student about what they learned and how they are applying the skills. Feel free to reach out to Mrs. Warner- Middle School Counselor or Mrs. Troncoso- High School Counselor if you have any questions. 



Dear HAWKS Families,

Exciting news! We're on the lookout for fantastic additions to our Northwest community for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, and we want your help.

Know a family that would thrive at Northwest? Refer them, and not only will you be contributing to the growth of our vibrant community, but you'll also score some exclusive swag as a token of our appreciation!

Refer a family now: https://yesprep.org/referafamily

Let's make our YES Prep family even more extraordinary together!

  • Family Notes

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