
Our goal is for our students to be competitive as college students and college graduates; to do that, our rigor and expectations in middle school and high school must be high.  

By reaching to meet these expectations, students demonstrate that they share this core value of graduating from college and that they are committed to creating bright futures for themselves, their families, and their communities. 


6th Grade  

YES Prep Northwest is adding Orchestra for all 6th grade students next year! This program will specifically be for our 6th grade students this year and will expand in SY 24-25 and beyond. We are working on financing this endeavor, but we are excited that Fine Arts programming is finally coming to our campus. These students will also have combined core classes (English & Social Studies, and Math & Science), a separate lunch period, a bell schedule that prioritizes an ancillary periods daily with Fine Arts, alternating Physical Education, Art and Intervention periods, if needed.  

Middle School 

High School 

7th Grade 

8th Grade 

9th Grade 

10th Grade 

11th Grade 

ELA 7, Math 7, Science 7, Social Studies 7 

ELA 8, Math 8 (*or Algebra I), Science 8, Social Studies 8  

English I, Algebra I  

(*or Geometry), Biology, World Geography  

English II, Geometry (*and Algebra II), Chemistry, World History 

IRC or AP Lit,  

Algebra II (*or Pre-Calculus), Physics, US History 

Electives: Art, PE, Intervention (if needed), *Middle School Leadership 

Electives: Principles in Technology (PIT)/Health and Lifetime Fitness & Wellness (PE) 

Available Advanced Placement (AP) Courses in High School:  

AP Human Geography, AP World History, AP US History, AP Physics, AP English Literature, AP Spanish Language, AP Psychology*, AP Computer Science Principles* 

*AP courses can be taken in place of general courses where offered 

College Preparation Courses: Interpersonal Studies and Professional Communications (ISPC), Project Based Research, Junior Seminar 

Electives: Art I, Art II, Theater I, Theater II, Lifetime Fitness & Wellness, Yearbook, Office Aide, Spanish I – AP Spanish 

YES Prep Online Programming (YPOP): AP Psychology, AP Computer Science Principles, Fundamentals of Computer Science, and Mandarin Chinese I 
